What payment methods do you accept?

What payment methods do you accept?

    Here is an explanation of how to find out PayPal full transaction history.

    Sometimes it may be required for verifying your payments.
    - Log in to your PayPal account.
    - Scroll down to view My Recent Activity or click View all my transactions
    - Click 'Details' which is you have sent or received.
    - You will view the full transaction history.

    Take a Snapshot the full transaction details and send to us if we requested to you.

    Odsłon : 14749

    Unfortunately, we do not accept/allow any unverified/unauthorized PayPal payments. Your PayPal account must be verified by PayPal.

    Odsłon : 8340

    Here at Service4Mobile accepts a variety of secure and trusted payment methods that vary depending on your country.

    Read carefully before payment. We accept a wide range of payment methods:

    - PayPal -OFFLINE
    - PayPal MassPay / Giftl -OFFLINE
    - Tether USD [trc20 o erc20]
    - USA Wires -OFFLINE

    - WU
    - CUBA Wires

    - Argentina Wire

    - Uruguay Wires
    - Cryptocurrency [BTC, ETH, BCH, DAI, DOGE, LTC, USDC]

    Odsłon : 4775

    Yes, we accept/allow Debit/Credit card Payments through PayPal, but we do not accept/allow direct Debit/Credit Payments.

    However, we accept/allow if you are an old member or if you have past activities at online business (Further verification may be required). You may consider another payment method/gateway if we are unable to accept/allow the Debit/Credit payment through PayPal.

    Odsłon : 4632

    Here at Service4Mobile accepts a variety of secure and trusted payment methods that vary depending on your country.

    Read carefully before payment. We accept a wide range of payment methods:

    - PayPal -OFFLINE
    - PayPal MassPay / Giftl -OFFLINE
    - Tether USD [trc20 o erc20]
    - USA Wires -OFFLINE
    - CUBA Wires

    - Argentina Wire

    - Uruguay Wires

    - WU
    - Cryptocurrency [BTC, ETH, BCH, DAI, DOGE, LTC, USDC]

    Odsłon : 2681

    As we know, PayPal provides the Verified Seal to ensure PayPal account verification status. Please refer this URL https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_seal-confirm-me to know your PayPal status.

    If above URL appear as Your PayPal account is Verified, seems your PayPal account is verified. You may contact PayPal for further information about your PayPal account verification status.

    Odsłon : 1181
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