Samsung Token...

    Phones that require a token

    A217f all bit

    A315g all bit

    A326 rev 1-3

    A516u all bit 

    A516v all bit 

    A515u all bit 

    A716u all bit 

    F916u all bit

    F900f all bit

    F707u all bit

    G780f all bit 

    G781v all bit

    G781u all bit

    G981v all bit

    G985f all bit 

    G988b all bit 

    G991u all bit 

    G996b all bit  

    G996u all bit 

    G998b all bit

    G998u all bit 

    M317f all bit 

    N970f all bit

    N975f all bit

    N976u u3 u4

    N981u All bit

    N986u all bit 

    N986B all bit 

    S515dl all bit

    All sprint and boost devices are supported without a token

    Views : 86661
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